The Pledge
The Older Workers Pledge has been developed to encourage organisations to commit to age friendly recruitment, retention and everyday work practices for older workers (officially those over the age of 45) Companies that sign up to The Older Workers Pledge will be recognised by the growing number of workers and jobseekers over the age of 45, as Employers of Choice for Older Workers. Many older jobseekers are looking for age-friendly employers with flexible, inclusive workplaces to bring their reliability. loyalty, problem-solving and enthusiasm.
Join the growing number of employers recognising the benefits of older workers in their organisations.
Find out more about signing the Pledge
Participating Companies



BP Australia

The National Roads & Motorists' Association

Mobile Skips

Celler Masters

Classic Moves

Dan Murphys

Dial An Angel


Big W

Woolworths Limited


Franklyn Scholar

Shopping Science


Home Timber and Hardware

Beer Wine Spirits

Diversity Council Australia

Pacific Lighting

Mitre 10 Newtown

Mitre 10 Kingsford Timber

Mitre 10 Canada Bay

Recognition ID

Diversity Dimensions

Calendar Club

Skills Alliance

Wesley Mission Brisbane

Out and About Healthcare

Sarina Russo

Oz Ecab

Helping hands

AC DC Electrical

Apple Marketing

The Hound Hutt

Flash Services Australia


Age Positive
