Writing age friendly job adverts

Remember in the current skill  shortage you are competing for staff as well as business. Your job ad should provide enough information to attract the interest of the jobseeker.


  • State the position title
  • State the location
  • Is it a full time, part time, casual, seasonal, contract or temporary position
  • List the ‘must have’s for the job, including formal qualifications
  • Are you willing to train, if so state that you are
  • Advise the salary range and conditions e.g. commission paid also
  • Are you willing to negotiate salary. It is more advisable to state a salary range, that way the jobseeker knows the top range you are willing to negotiate to
  • Provide details of your organisation i.e. family business, large international company, small retail
  • Describe the position and the duties in logical order
  • Don’t use long sentences. Use short sentences preferably dot points
  • Ensure you have keywords in your ad. Jobseekers most often use the keyword search facility which ensure a quicker and more appropriate search for them
  • State ‘other’ requirements, for example, police checks, blue card (or the equivalent), visa obligations
  • State if you have a full time job available but are prepared to have several people working part time. Some  older workers are seeking part-time work and will not engage if the job ad doesn’t also mention the possibility of part-time work.
  • Most importantly – keep your language ‘age-friendly’.


For a small fee we will write the job advert for you.


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