Woolworths – Our People
Woolworths – Our People
Woolworths recognises and embraces the considerable value that a diverse workforce adds to an organisation. We strive to create a work environment where everyone is able to contribute and reach their full potential, irrespective of race, age, sex, sexual preference, transgender, religious belief, political beliefs, disability and impairment, pregnancy, potential pregnancy, marital status, family/parental status and membership or non-membership of a trade union.
Woolworths also opposes discriminatory or harassing behaviours such as gestures, language and the display of electronic or paper based material in the workplace that may cause offence, humiliation or intimidation.
Our anti-discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies are communicated to all employees and are covered in our Code of Conduct. A copy of the Code is given to all employees on induction which they are required to read and sign and information is displayed in every workplace.
Workplace diversity strategy
The nature of Australia’s workforce is changing, with a greater emphasis on flexibility, part time work and people in career transition. We have developed a range of recruitment programs and partnerships to help attract and retain a more diverse range of potential employees. These include:
Mature-age workers
Mature-age workers are one of the largest under-utilised groups in Australia. For every new Generation Y person entering the labour market today, there are seven workers over the age of 45 available. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 85% of all new employment growth between now and 2016 will occur in the 40 plus age group. In recognition of this, we are working on a number of initiatives to build up our capability to successfully attract and recruit in this age group.
These include:
Recruitment advertising targeting the mature age market.
A “mature-age friendly” job application process that takes into account lack of access/experience with internet usage.
Introduction of a formal Woolworths’ alumni program.
Woolworths provide mature age Australians with employment opportunities right across Australia: Butchers, Bakers, Console Operators, Nightfill Managers, Return To Work specialists, Optical Dispensers Managers, Liquor Store Managers, Electrical retail Store Managers(Dick Smith). The opportunities are endless because at Woolworths experience in both life and work is very highly valued.
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