Corporate Champions

Experience+ Corporate Champions

What is Corporate Champions?

Mature age workers bring a wealth of experience to your business. The Corporate Champions project aims to attract employers who make a public commitment to move toward better practice in employing mature age people (aged 45 and over). This program is an Australian first.

I’m an employer. Why should I join?
As an employer, you could receive a program of tailored assistance valued at around $10 000 from an industry expert which includes:

A professional assessment of your organisation’s workforce demographics and recruitment and retention practices based on the Government’s ‘Investing in Experience Charter’.

Practical help in developing an Action Plan using the Government’s Investing in Experience Tool Kit. This could include updating recruitment processes, rolling out new flexible working arrangements and implementing retention and mentoring programs

Practical help to access Government incentives including the Jobs Bonus, wage subsidies and training support.

Advice on topics including positive age management, superannuation, occupational health and safety, career planning, training and age discrimination.

What are the benefits to my business?
Case studies showcasing the Corporate Champions will be developed to build a national repository of better practice, promoted to employers Australia-wide, including through a series of national seminars. Early results show benefits to employers and their employees including:

Employees gave advance notice of retirement intentions and arrangements were put in place for employees to work differently as they transitioned to retirement (e.g. mentoring, skills and knowledge transfer, health and safety management, flexible hours or part time work, working from home).

Employers were able to make arrangements to transfer skills and knowledge, modify ways of working and limit the impact on the organisations or business when experienced staff retired.

Employers were also better equipped to attract older workers for specific client service preferences and reap the benefits of recruiting older workers (e.g. reliability and diversity of experience).
Interested in leading the way as a Corporate Champion?


For information about Australian Government programs available to support mature age workers, or to receive a copy of the ‘Investing in Experience’ Employment Charter and Tool Kit:
call 13 17 64, or

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