3 Aug 2024

Contract/Temp Director/mentor

for BusiReach Pty LtdMelbourne

NOTE: This job listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Job Description

I’m changing fields from painting and decorating to online marketing. I’m starting an seo agency, and I’ve nearly finished the website. So soon it be be operational. I’ve ran a painting business for 4 years prior, and I did well. Ive registered a pty ltd, and I’m looking for someone to be a company director or business partner. My painting business struggled to grow to where I wanted it to be, as it’s a lot to do on my own and I struggle to find the right people that I’d want to include. I want to do this agency as best as possible from the start, and I’ve learnt how to do all the money making work, I just need someone to handle the legalities side of things and hopefully teach me as we go. You can do the job from home. I can handle sole trader, but the company is different. So hoping that I can find an experienced person to manage that side of things and I can do the rest. I’m happy to pay a decent percentage of whatever profit is made from this to whoever can help. I’m thinking more about the future and setting it all up right.
If anyone is interested please contact:
Shane- 0435 574 357

How to Apply

Call Shane on 0435 574 357
Email: Shanedburns91@gmail.com

Job Locations: Melbourne.
Job Categories: General/Business Unit Manager.
Job Types: Contract/Temp.
Job Tags: Accounting, digital marketing, Director, Management, Manager, marketing, mentor, online, overseer, startup, and work from home.

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