zrppv71@sas130.sarahconner.co.uk – https://www.fireplacesandstove.com/categories/free-standing-electric-fires

Free Standing Bio Ethanol FireEthanol fireplaces are extremely versatile because they don’t require a chimney. This makes them ideal for rooms where a conventional fireplace isn’t feasible.Free standing bio-ethanol fires are able to be used outdoors too, however the weather and wind can reduce their lifespan and beautiful appearance. This can be counteracted by constructing a wall that serves as wind protection, removing the fireplace when not in use or by covering it with a water and windproof tarpaulin.SizeThe fireplace made of ethanol is an excellent option to add warmth and atmosphere to your home without the need of vents or chimneys. They can be installed in any room and are suitable for outdoor use with the option to bring the heat to a balcony or patio. Before you decide to purchase a free-standing bio ethanol fireplace, you must think about the size of the area in which you’re planning to install it. There are a variety of sizes available which is why you must be aware of the area of your home before you decide which one is right for you.Ecosmart Fireplaces offers a variety of different kinds of free standing bio-ethanol fireplaces to fit any style or location. Some are designed to be built into an masonry or wall structure. Others can be placed on a table, and moved around as required. All of our products that are ethanol-based come with the essential accessories required for safe and proper operation. These include an electric torch and a lighter, a firelighter and an fuel container for ethanol.To get the best out of your fireplace that burns ethanol, it is essential to purchase high-quality biofuel. It is important to keep in mind that bioethanol produces no smoke or harmful emissions when it burns and it only releases a small amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide. When choosing your fuel, ensure that you examine the label for an alcohol reading of 96 percent or higher which is recommended for the best combustion.We offer a variety of free-standing bioethanol fireplaces. There’s something for every person. You can pick from models like Pembrey, which has an old-fashioned look, Globus for a contemporary style or Moritz for a cubic design. Each of these options comes in a variety of sizes, colors and finishes that will suit your individual style. Some even have ambient lighting options to make your experience more enjoyable. If you’re looking for something a bit more luxurious We have options that can be enhanced using bioethanol fuel that smells, and comes in a variety scents like vanilla, forest or a Christmassy fragrance.DesignA freestanding fireplace made of ethanol is a fantastic option for those looking to have a modern design in their home without having to purchase traditional wood burning fireplace. electric log effect fires freestanding Fireplaces And Stove utilize low-cost alcohols such as 2-propanol and ethanol as fuel, and work by combusting the fuel inside a stainless steel burner to produce real flames. They don’t generate as much heat as wood-burning fireplaces, however, they’re still able to warm the room.Ethanol fireplaces are extremely simple to make use of. Inject the ethanol into the reservoir and ignite with an extended lighter. When the fire is lit, it will produce stunning light and a medium amount of heat. Biofuel burns cleanly and produces very little CO2 and has no odours. It is much safer than other fuels.Another advantage of ethanol fireplaces is that they don’t require the installation of a chimney or a flue. This means they can be placed in a variety of places, including those where it’s impossible or impractical to install a conventional fireplace. However, it is recommended to not move a freestanding ethanol fireplace while the fire is still burning. It could cause severe burns.Some ethanol fires have remote controls or mobile apps that let you manage the size of flames. You can create a warm ambience in your home while you read a book, or entertain family and friends.They are available in a variety of styles, ranging from modern to traditional. Some fireplaces are designed to be mounted on a mantel or another type of furniture. Others can be mounted on the wall to create a sleek modern style. You can even buy an insert for your fireplace to transform your fireplace into a bio ethanol fireplace.In addition to being safe they are also a great choice for the environment. Studies have demonstrated that ethanol burning in these fireplaces has a low impact on air pollution compared to wood smoke from traditional fireplaces. This is due to the fact that ethanol burns cleanly and doesn’t emit harmful pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.MaterialEthanol Fireplaces are a great way to provide warmth to any room. They are a great option for propane and wood fires, as they don’t require chimneys or flues. Instead, they use bio-ethanol fuel. They also feature contemporary and sleek design that makes them suitable for any space. They are available in a variety sizes and shapes, ranging from small table-top models to larger free standing units.The material of a free-standing bioethanol fire is another factor to consider when selecting one for your home. The kind of material you choose will influence the quantity of heat it generates as well as its durability. Materials that can withstand high temperature without fading or cracking are the most durable, including stainless steel or matte black. Some models are even equipped with extra features, such as log sets and protective screens, which further enhance their beauty and functionality.Although these fireplaces are extremely safe to use, it is still recommended that you follow certain basic safety rules. It is important to never add fuel to a fireplace currently in use. Additionally, you must keep a safe distance from your fireplace and any potentially flammable materials or objects. You should never move a fireplace in use – the heat will be too intense and you could burn yourself.A free-standing bio-ethanol fireplace has the advantage of being extremely mobile. It can be moved from room or outside in a matter of seconds unlike a wall mounted or recessed model that requires permanent installation. These fireplaces are ideal for people who move houses often or who want to renovate.If you are in the market for a freestanding bio-ethanol fireplace, there are many different options to consider. You must decide if you want something simple and portable or something more extravagant and with a design that is attractive. Also, think about the size of the space and the kind of ambience you would like to create. Once you’ve settled on a certain style, you can begin to browse the available products.InstallationFree standing bio fireplaces are ideal for anyone looking to add a simple-to-install fire feature to their home. The majority of bio fireplaces arrive to their new owners fully assembled and ready for use. They are also extremely portable and can be easily relocated between inside and outside spaces as desired.The procedure for installing bio fireplaces may differ according to the type of fireplace that is being purchased. Certain models are designed to be mounted on the wall, while others are freestanding and can be moved around at an impulse. If you choose to have a wall-mounted model installed, you will be required to ensure that the area you plan to put the fireplace is free of flammable materials. This will prevent accidents or damage to your fireplace. You can confirm this by reading the manual that comes with the purchase.If you’re interested in an ethanol fireplace that is freestanding and can be put in your living room, bedroom or kitchen, there are many different designs to choose from. From traditional to modern there is a fireplace that can fit your style and preferences. The Xaralyn is a modern style that is both fashionable and functional. It has a beautiful flame effect that adds an element of warmth to any room and is ideal for anyone who is looking for a fireplace that can be used both indoors and outdoors.The Bow bio ethanol freestanding fireplace is a different alternative. It’s a modern elegant fireplace with stunning geometric design. It is made from powder coated steel and includes a tempered glass front that helps keep pets, people and other objects safe from the flames.For freestanding bioethanol fires There are a variety of accessories that can be utilized to make them more efficient and more secure. Safety screens, protective covers, and wood log sets are all available. The firescreens are positioned over the burners to prevent accidental spillage of ethanol fuel. They also protect the flames from unwanted embers. The log sets and covers are designed to be placed over the fireplace to provide additional protection.

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