
It is a well-known fact that winter takes it out on our immune system. Cold obliterates our respiratory system, winds cause our skin to dry off and peel, and lack of sunlight gives us depression. It is during this time that we have the worst of headache, drowsiness, fatigue and this is when we are likely to show poor performance. These are symptoms of vitamin deficiency, as long as our body runs out of one or several important vitamins.

Vitamin deficiency occurs due to lack of some vital minerals, which our body loses during winter months due to absence of fruits and vegetables in our daily menu. Sadly, the human body cannot store up vitamins. For this reason, you cannot develop a sufficient stock of vitamins by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables throughout summer. You can fight vitamin deficiency either by taking some synthetic medicines or eating more fresh food, which are rich in microelements.

However, before you actually use a vitamin drug or supplement, you must identify the exact reason why you do not feel well. Poor eyesight, eye strain, dry peeling skin and diarrhea indicate vitamin A deficiency. Signs of vitamin B deficiency include irritability, fatigue, insomnia, rash and weak hair. Particularly, hair problems occur due to lack of vitamin B6 and biotin, and skin problems result from shortage of vitamin B6 and PP. Severe fatigue, swelling of joints and breathing difficulties signify vitamin C deficiency. Lack of vitamin D results in poor eyesight and nervousness.

If you have any of these symptoms, consult your local health care provider. Do not take pills unless it is absolutely necessary. Do not take them randomly. Improper use of vitamins for a long time can be potentially dangerous. For example, smokers, who’ve been taking b-carotene (vitamin A) for a long period, develop a high risk of lung cancer. Vitamin E overdose may cause hypertension, excess of folic acid in the body and skin irritation.

Vitamin deficiency is treated by vitamin therapy. First, your daily menu should include foods that are rich in vitamins. For instance, vitamin A is contained in butter and other milk products, salads, carrot and sea fish liver. Vitamin B is found in bread, rice, buckwheat, yeast, meat and milk products. Fruits (particularly citrus fruits) are rich in vitamin C. Besides, this vitamin is found in cranberry, dog-bramble, tomatoes and potatoes. In order for potatoes to retain vitamin, it is recommended to boil them unpeeled. Vitamin D is catalyzed in the human body by sunlight. Therefore, symptoms of vitamin D deficiency mostly appear in the end of winter. A walk on a bright sunny day, milk products and fish liver can help you compensate for the lack of vitamin D. Salad oil, meat, beans, soya and fresh nuts are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin K can be extracted from egg yolk, meat and yogurts. It is recommended to take juices and chocolate in the fall. Chocolate has antidepressant properties.

However, you cannot replenish your vitamin stock with food only. It would take a large amount of bread, meat and farmer cheese to get the daily dose of alone. In this situation, it is recommended to use vitamin drugs and supplements. Each supplement contains just one basic vitamin. If you are going to use vitamin pills, turn to your doctor so that he/she could help you outline dosage and administration.'s job listings

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