

We have more registered jobseekers than any other mature age job board in Australia.

The population is ageing  and the average age of the workforce is increasing dramatically. It’s time to start thinking about older workers and the skills, experience, loyalty, problem solving and life skills they can bring to your workplace.  Including older workers in your recruitment mix will ensure you are getting the right person for the job.

We have jobseekers looking for full time, part time, casual, seasonal and grey nomad work.

Included in pricing of all jobs is: Employer Logo, review of job ad for age-friendly wording, jobs are facebooked and tweeted.  Jobs are chosen on an ad-hoc basis  and could be included in our newsletter at no additional cost.

Join some of Australia’s best known companies and employ experienced and reliable older workers.    Learn about the $10,000 Restart Bonus.  Do you qualify?      http://www.employment.gov.au/restart-wage-subsidy

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Prices include GST. Custom packages available, contact us for details.

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